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Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 04/02/2020

2020 April 2
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Tayasui Calligraphy , 3rd Grade Reading Prep , Multi Translate Voice and more


Kiwake: smart alarm clock ( $7.99 → Free ) Kiwake inc Kiwake ensures that you will get out of bed in the morning thanks to its three step wakeup process. Start off by creating your alarms for the week. You can create multiple alarms if necessary and have them repeat as often as you like. Kiwake then requires you to pick an object that’s away from your bed and take a picture of it, choose from a handful of mini-games, and create some goals for the day or add a motivational message. When the alarm sounds, you’ll have to return to that object and snap a picture, successfully complete all of the mini-games, and read your goals or message before you can disable it.


Tayasui Calligraphy ( $1.99 → Free ) Tayasui Calligraphy provides a creative outlet for those who enjoy working with ink. The strokes look completely natural as they overlap and dry. It includes two main drawing tools: pen and brush. Both tools can be customized with different widths, angles, textures, and blending modes, and you’re able to save your adjustments as presets. Tap with two fingers to undo a stroke or tap with three to redo. Tayasui Calligraphy also includes Apple Pencil support.

3rd Grade Reading Prep ( $3.99 → Free ) Peekaboo Studios LLC 3rd Grade Reading Prep is one of the most advanced reading comprehension tools available in the App Store. It features an assortment of fictional stories and non-fiction texts that can be read through at any pace. At the end of each passage your child will be asked a series of questions to find out how well they understood what they read. The results can be reviewed and shared via email. The app also includes support for multiple children or students, and password protection.

Multi Translate Voice ( $12.99 → Free ) XHLIU Multi Translate is fast and efficient. First choose the language you want to translate from, and three other languages you want to translate to. You have more than 100 to choose from. Then either type or speak to translate. Multi Translate keeps a running history of everything you’ve translated, which is searchable via Spotlight. The app also includes iMessage support, Apple Watch support, and the ability to share results.

Plant Light Meter ( $0.99 → Free ) Studio Nano Ship, Inc. Give your indoor plants a fighting chance with Plant Light Meter. Determine a potential location for your new indoor plant and launch Plant Light Meter. Then point the camera in the direction of the natural light source. The app will measure the maximum light level value that your plant will receive: very low, low, medium, and high. If you’re unsure of how much light your plant needs, a helpful guide is available in-app.

Fudget Pro: Budget Planner ( $3.99 → Free ) Danny Connell Fudget takes a less-is-more approach to finance tracking. You’re able to create separate budgets for each month, specific occasions, or anything else you deem necessary. It only takes one tap to add income or an expense, and you will see your totals updated in real-time at the bottom of the screen. Income and expenses can be favorited in order to be repeated in future budgets. Entries can be reordered, edited, and deleted at will. Fudget also includes Dropbox support, eight themes, and the ability to export budgets.

Live Tides ( $0.99 → Free ) Condor Digital Live Tides provides a beautifully simple way to check tide levels. It features automatic location detection or you can browse the country. The app provides tide charts for 14 days out, complete with sunrise and sunset times.

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