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Apple updates AirPods Pro 2 firmware to 6F7

2024 May 28
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Apple on Tuesday released an updated firmware version for both models of AirPods Pro 2, including the set with a Lightning-based charging case and the set with a USB-C-based charging case, to version 6F7.

According to Apple on the company’s About firmware updates for AirPods web page, firmware 6F7 is especially unique to the AirPods Pro 2, but it doesn’t have any notable changes apart from the generic “Bug fixes and other improvements” tagline.

Because the change log is so vague, we can’t particularly point out anything new in today’s AirPods Pro 2 firmware update. Instead, the update could be so incredibly minor such as fixing a typo in the code, improving Bluetooth compatibility, or tweaking sound quality in negligible ways. These are, of course, speculatory and non-fact.

It’s easy to see what firmware version your AirPods Pro 2 are running. You can simply connect the headphones to your iPhone and then navigate to Settings Bluetooth and tap on the information (i) button to the right of the device you’re inquiring about. When you do this, your AirPods Pro 2’s firmware version will appear under the “Version” field, as shown:

How to check AirPods firmware version.

Updating AirPods Pro 2 firmware isn’t as straightforward of a process as updating your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Unfortunately, it’s an automatic process that triggers when three specific conditions are met. Those include:

  • Keeping AirPods connected to power and charging
  • Keeping AirPods in Bluetooth range of your iPhone, iPad, or Mac
  • Keeping your iPhone, iPad, or Mac in range of and connected to a Wi-Fi network

Sadly, if you can’t meet all of the above criteria, then you won’t be able to update the firmware of your AirPods Pro 2 on your own. On the other hand, you can visit an Apple Store and staff can update the firmware for you. This may well be the only way for Android users to upgrade their AirPods Pro 2 firmware since an Apple device is a prerequisite for updating the firmware, but given how trivial these updates seem to be, we wouldn’t make a special trip for it.

Have you already updated the firmware on your AirPods Pro 2? Let us know in the comments section down below.

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