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Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 02/22/2024

2024 February 22
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Flow: Focus, Sleep, Relax , Taijitu: A Game About Balance , FocusDots · Focus What Matters and more


Flow: Focus, Sleep, Relax ( $19.99 → Free ) Dmitry Sergunov Flow is dedicated to finding music for a specific occasion or purpose. The app consists of a well-designed music player to meet all of your listening needs. While music is playing the app sets the mood with an animated image to match. There is an entire collection of curated categories or you can customize your own. There is a dedicated button for AirPlay and it includes a focus timer so you know when time is up.

Fishi: My Aquarium Guide ( $23.99 → Free ) Rafael Mirza Fishi is a must-have app for fish keepers. The app includes an extensive collection of fish species, from exotic tropical fish to cold water species. You’re able to search through the catalog to learn more about each fish’s characteristics. The app also teaches you how to nurture and care for your fish. You’ll be able to set up feeding reminders and receive alerts for crucial changes to maintain optimal conditions for your fish.

Taijitu: A Game About Balance ( $1.99 → Free ) particlemade Taijitu is inspired by the mythology of yin and yang. The screen is divided into two sections by a white line with shapes on each side. The shapes that are pulsing are the ones that can be swapped with a tap. The idea is to balance the two sides by ensuring the colors are equally distributed. The game includes more than 100 levels that become progressively more complicated.

FocusDots · Focus What Matters ( $1.99 → Free ) particlemade Keep focused on tasks with this simple time management app. Decide on a single mission you wish to complete and start the timer. There are 11 different themes to choose from. The app also offers inspirational quotes and daily summaries to motivate you.

ToPack: Trip Packing Checklist ( $2.99 → Free ) Sergei Shpygar ToPack is the ultimate travel companion to ensure you never forget a thing. You’re able to create a new list from scratch or use existing lists and templates. You can also create your own categories and things to personalize your lists. ToPack even lets you turn on notifications to get reminded of upcoming trips.

FilePiP: PDF, Timer, Photos … ( $3.99 → Free ) Actowise LLC FilePip: PDF, Timer, Photos lets you multitask on your phone by using picture-in-picture mode. You can visualize multiple things at a time without having to switch back and forth between apps. This is great for those people who are busy and like to work at a fast pace.

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