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Apple’s gorgeous new Champs-Élysées store opened yesterday in Paris, here are the images

2018 November 19
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Apple today shared half a dozen photographs documenting grand opening of its shiny new retail Champs-Élysées store that sits on the Avenue des Champs- Élysées, one of the city’s most iconic avenues.

As we reported, the new location has replaced Apple’s previous store, now closed permanently, that was located beneath the pyramid of the Louvre museum. The multi-story store revives original details of the Haussmann-era building to pay tribute to Paris’s rich history.

Like with other newer retail stores incorporating Apple’s next-generation retail design, this one has features that also serve an environmental purpose. For instance, a sculptural roof light covers the courtyard, which provides sunlight to the space below.

An integrated rainwater collection system provides water for the bathrooms, trees and green walls.

All of Apple’s retail stores around the world are powered by renewable energy and Apple Champs-Élysées is no exception: the sun energy is used to generate renewable energy with integrated photovoltaic panels.

Apple previewed this gorgeous new store last week.

If you’ve visited this new store, please share your impressions by leaving a comment below.

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