iOS 11 Beta 5: 5 Features and Changes
We’re now only a month or so away from Apple’s fall event. Which means the release of iOS 11 draws closer. Apple has now released the fifth version of iOS 11 software and we can see that iOS 11 has already matured before our eyes. This time, Apple hasn’t made any big features changes or rolled back on a major decision. Here’s everything that’s new in iOS 11 beta 5.
1. Messages in iCloud Removed (For Now)
The Messages in iCloud feature which backed up and synced iMessages between all your devices using iCloud has been removed. According to Apple’s release notes, it will be added back in a future release.
2. Control Center Outputs Icon
The Music widget in Control Center gets a new small, animating wave icon on the top-right. Tap on it and you’ll be directly taken to the Outputs screen where you can switch between the audio output for the playback. This is a great new addition as it’s going to make switching between multiple speakers or Bluetooth devices much easier.
3. Redesigned Icons
New in iOS 11 beta 5: Lines removed from Camera icon and Settings icon slightly tweaked.
— iOS News And More (@iOSNewsAndMore) August 7, 2017
The redesigned icons brigade continues. This time, the Camera icon loses the two lines and the Settings icon’s gears are of a darker shade.
4. Screen Recording Indicator
The Screen recording indicator is now red (instead of blue).
5. New iPad Splash Screen
When setting up the iPad, users will now see two new splash screen that tells them about using the dock and the new multitasking system.
Bug Fixes
This release brings many bug fixes. Swiping down to bring the Cover Sheet no longer scrolls the entire view to the top. 3D Touch feedback has also been fixed when interacting with phone numbers and addresses. Using AirPlay in videos that are not yet full screen no longer crashes the whole app.
What’s Your iOS 11 Experience Like?
Are you running an iOS 11 developer or public beta? What do you think of the new iOS 11 features? Share with us in the comments below.
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