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Charitable Safari extensions that help you give back

2020 July 22
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Ecosia How it Works Map

There are plenty of ways to help those in need. You can donate money, clothing, or household items, you can volunteer your time at a local shelter, and you can participate in events that assist charities. But one very simple way to give back is with one or more of these Safari extensions.

If you’re already using Safari to search for information or make online purchases, then it’s a no brainer. You’re not giving up time, money, or anything else to help those who need it. If you’re interested, here are some terrific Safari extensions that help you give back.

Charitable Safari extensions

Here are the extensions we’ll cover… hide


Ecosia Safari Extension

Ecosia is a search engine, that with your help, can plant trees in areas around the world that need them.

How it works is simple. You search for things with Ecosia you normally would on any other search engine. The search ads generate income for Ecosia who in turn uses that income to plant trees where they’re needed.

Those trees help the environment, people, and economy in locations like Indonesia, Uganda, Kenya, Peru, and many others.

Once you install the Ecosia extension for Safari, just click the button in the toolbar and enter your search term in the box. A new tab will open with your results and you take it from there.

Ecosia Search Page

You’ll also see a Counter on the top right of the Ecosia results page showing how many searches you’ve performed and how many more you need to plant a tree.

To learn more about how Ecosia works, visit their website to check out details about their mission and view the locations they help. And if you’re wondering about privacy, take a look at Ecosia’s privacy information.

  • Availability: Safari, Chrome, and Firefox extensions as well as the web and mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android
  • Cost: Free

TreeClicks for Safari

TreeClicks Safari Extension

If you like the tree idea, then you can help plant even more trees when you shop online! TreeClicks is a Safari extension that works with over 50,000 online stores.

Here’s how it works. When you land on a store that works with TreeClicks, a small message will appear. Click the button to plant trees while you shop. TreeClicks then receives advertising fees for bringing you in as a customer and then uses the money to plant trees where they’re needed.

TreeClicks on Grammarly

TreeClicks supports three forest restoration projects and you can choose which one you want to help. Select from the Amazon, India, or Australian Restoration projects and then just shop your favorite online retailers. The prices at the stores remain the same, so there’s no catch for shopping at places you already do!

With your free account, you can log in to see how many trees you’ve helped plant for the project you pick.

To find out more about TreeClicks, the projects it supports, and the stores that they work with, just head to the TreeClicks website.

  • Availability: Safari, Chrome, and Firefox extensions
  • Cost: Free


SmileAllDay Safari Extension

Another way to help while you shop is with SmileAllDay. This simple Safari extension redirects you to Amazon Smile whenever you visit,, or

If you already use Amazon Smile to donate to your favorite charity, then you’ll love this extension. You don’t have to remember to visit that alternative Amazon site. Plus, if you do a search and an Amazon product comes up, you likely won’t be directed to Amazon Smile from the search results. But this extension makes sure you are!

Amazon Smile Supported Charity

If you aren’t familiar with Amazon Smile, it’s just like the main Amazon site. But with a different URL, when you shop on Amazon Smile, 0.5 percent of your eligible purchases will be donated to the charity of your choice. And, you can pick from over one million charitable organizations to support. For more, head to Amazon Smile’s About page.

SmileAllDay doesn’t have a toolbar button and doesn’t require you to do anything. Just enable the extension after you install it and anytime you visit Amazon moving forward, you’ll see that you’re redirected to Amazon Smile.

  • Availability: Safari extension
  • Cost: Free

Note: Since SmileAllDay is currently only available for Safari, you can check out Smilematic if you use Firefox and Chrome as well. Smilematic does the same thing as SmileAllDay, by redirecting you to Amazon Smile.

Smilematic Firefox Extension

Wrapping it up

You know what they say, every little bit helps. So if you can help plant a tree or remember to donate, just by using a simple Safari extension for things you do on the web already, it’s worth it, isn’t it?

Do you use one of these Safari extensions to help give back or do you know of a different one you’d like to recommend? Feel free to comment below!

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