How to customize the Apple TV app settings for Music, TV, Shows and Podcasts

Just like on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac, your Apple TV lets you customize certain settings for the Music, TV, and Podcasts apps. Whether you want specific playback options, certain views on the main screen, or want to turn on or off syncing, you can do it on Apple TV.
If you’re ready to take a few minutes to use these apps exactly as you’d like, here’s how to customize the TV, Music, and Podcasts apps on Apple TV along with iTunes show settings.
Open your Apple TV app settings
To get started with making changes to any or all of these apps, you’ll need to open the Settings on your Apple TV and click Apps. So, do that and then follow the steps below for each app and its options.
Change Music settings
Select the Music app to change the following settings:
Add Playlist Songs to Library: On or Off. Automatically add songs to your Library when you add them to a playlist.
Sound Check: On or Off. Have all songs played at the same volume automatically.
Change TV settings
Select the TV app to change the following settings:
Use Play History: On or Off. This is used to provide you with recommendations based on what you watch.
Show Sports Scores: On or Off. Get live sports scores in the TV app.
Top Shelf: For the Top Shelf in the TV app’s Home screen. Pick What to Watch for featured shows or Up Next for what’s next in your queue.
Games in Up Next: On or Off. Get game start and close notifications for those in your Up Next queue.
Exciting Games: On or Off. Get notifications for sporting events.
Change Podcasts settings
Select the Podcasts app to change the following settings:
Background App Refresh: On or Off. Refresh the app when running in the background.
Sync Podcasts: On or Off. Sync your podcasts with your other devices.
Continuous Playback: On or Off. Have the next episode in your Up Next queue automatically play.
Refresh Every: 1 hour, 6 hours, Day, Week, or Manually. Choose how often to refresh the podcasts.
Delete Played Episodes: On or Off. Automatically delete episodes you listen to.
Custom Colors: On or Off. For accessibility, you can use custom colors based on the podcast’s artwork.
Change iTunes Movies and TV Shows settings
Select iTunes Movies and TV Shows to change the following settings:
Video Resolution: Choose best available for the best quality or Good to use less data.
Quick Start: On or Off. Have videos instantly play in the best resolution or pick Off if you have a slow internet connection.
Limit Purchases and Rentals to SD: On or Off. Get videos in standard definition (SD) if you have slow internet or want to use less data.
Sort Movies in Wish List: By Date or Alphabetically. Choose how to show recently-added Movies first.
Sort TV Shows in Favorites: By Date or Alphabetically. Choose how to show recent TV Show episodes first.
Wrapping it up
If you’ve been wondering how to make changes to the TV, Music, and Podcasts apps or your iTunes Movies and TV Shows, then this article should help!
Are there any other settings for your Apple TV that you need help locating? Let us know below or hit us up on Twitter!
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