Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 03/08/2025

Plant Recognition & identifier , Screen Time Control: Atten , Clean AI: Home Cleaning Games and more
Clean AI: Home Cleaning Games ( $24.99 → Free ) Jose Manuel Gonzalez de Rueda Clean AI: Home Cleaning Game is a fun, simple, and rewarding way to clean your home. Use the app set up personalized plans with step-by-step guidance to help you through even the messiest of rooms.
Jewelry Identifier ° ( $49.99 → Free ) Mario Saputra Jewelry Identifier – Jewels gives you instant jewelry identification. Simply snap a photo or upload an image and let the app do its thing. You can save identification history to keep track of all the jewelry you’ve identified.
onɘbreath: Breathwork & Sleep ( $49.99 → Free ) Mindfly Labs UG (haftungsbeschrankt) Onɘbreath: Breathwork & Sleep uses cutting-edge breath work combined with personalized stress management plans to improve your overall mental health. Use the app to get better sleep and simply relieve unwanted stress.
Plant Recognition & identifier ( $99.99 → Free ) Tyson Gill Plant Recognition & Identifier is your intelligent plant care companion. Quickly and easily identify any plant with a single photo and instantly receive expert insights.
Screen Time Control: Atten ( $79.99 → Free ) Third tech Screen Time Control – Atten is designed to help you take control of your screen time and build healthier digital habits. Block distracting apps and websites so you have more time to do the things that truly matter to you.
Wall Pilates Workout – Pilato ( $99.99 → Free ) AppQ Technology Wall Pilates Workout – Pilato will help you tone your body and achieve your fitness goals. The app has over 200 video tutorials and offers a comprehensive library of professionally guided exercises that focus on building strength, improving flexibility, and enhancing balance.
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