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What to do if you lose one of your AirPods

2024 September 11
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Learn what to do if you cannot find one of your AirPods. We will start by helping you locate it and then share what to do if you’re unable to recover it.

This guide applies to all generations of regular AirPods and AirPods Pro.

First of all, try to find your AirPod

Until you’re sure you have lost your AirPod, we’d recommend checking out the official ways to find it. We have a dedicated tutorial that shows you how to use the Find My app and Precision Finding to know the last location of your AirPod and play sound on it.

Finding missing AirPods using iPhone

However, if you’re confident that one of your AirPods is gone with no chance of recovery, you can follow the remaining tips.

Purchase a single AirPod from Apple

Apple knows that people can lose an AirPod, so it offers the option to buy a replacement. The cost of buying the left or right AirPod varies depending on the model:

  • Cost of buying either left or right AirPod 1, 2, 3, or 4th generation: $69
  • Cost of buying either left or right AirPod Pro 1 or 2: $89
  • Cost of buying just the Charging Case: Varies from $59 to $99

Cost of buying either left or right AirPod or AirPod Pro

You cannot go to the online Apple Store and purchase a single AirPod. Instead, you will have to do a service request online or visit an Apple Store.

Remember to take the AirPod you still have and the Charging Case to the Apple Store so these can be paired to work with the new replacement AirPod.

You can continue using one AirPod

If buying a single replacement does not seem viable, you can say goodbye to the missing AirPod with a heavy heart and continue using the one you have.

I have seen many people, including my wife, who prefer using a single AirPod for calls and podcasts so they can be more aware of their surroundings.

Surely, having just one AirPod is not ideal, but since the situation has forced you here, you can try living with just one side for a few days and see how that goes. Remember to turn on mono audio if you plan on using a single AirPod for media consumption.

However, if the experience is subpar, you can explore the last option of buying a new pair.

Buy new AirPods at a discount

In case you do not want to spend $69 or $89 on a single AirPod or AirPod Pro replacement unit or do not want to live with just one AirPod, you can explore the possibility of buying a new pair.

Buying a new one instead of a single replacement unit ensures that the batteries of both your AirPods will discharge at nearly the same rate when using them together. As a result, you won’t face situations where one of your AirPods is discharged while the other side is still at, say, 70%. Plus, having a new pair reduces the possibility of one AirPod sounding louder than the other or one AirPod failing to work.

So, unless your current AirPods are relatively new, it would be best to buy a new pair altogether. And to make it a bit lighter on your pocket, we have a dedicated article covering the best AirPods deals you can get right now.

We update the links and prices frequently to list excellent discounts from Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Apple, and other retailers for all AirPods models, be it regular AirPods, AirPods Pro, or AirPods Max.

Even if you decide not to buy one today, bookmark that page so you can easily revisit it in the future and save money.

Best Deals on AirPods

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