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OneMovie, Perimeter PRO, FlowBuddy, and other apps to check out this weekend

2024 September 7
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It’s the weekend again, folks, and you know what that means. It’s time for another Apps of the Week roundup! This week we have some great picks for you, including an app for finding movies, an AR tool for measuring outdoor spaces, and an app-blocker with an educational twist. And as always, we’ve selected a fun game for you to check out.

OneMovie – Movies for you

It’s amazing how many of these apps exist, and yet I still can’t ever seem to find anything to watch. But that’s all the more reason to try another one. This is OneMovie, an app that promises to help you find and pick movies quickly so you don’t waste hours searching while your food gets cold and then you have to go microwave it, which makes the tortillas and cheese harden and essentially ruins your dinner. Anyway, all the usual features are here: personalized movie recommendations based on your previous selections, filtering by streaming service, and browsing by things like mood. Seems like the perfect weekend companion!

Download for free

Perimeter PRO

Every time I go to use this app I put my finger to my ear, and I say, “Sir, we’re going to need to do a perimeter check.” Ok, so I don’t really do that, but I would if I ever needed to use this app for anything. It’s Perimeter PRO, and it aims to transform the way you measure outdoor spaces using augmented reality. You simply walk around any outdoor space, place markers using your device’s camera, and it instantly calculates the area and perimeter with pinpoint accuracy. You can also calculate volume, generate detailed blueprints, and export and share your files via PDF. Landscapers, contractors, real estate agents, DIYers—this app’s for you.

Download for free

App Block for Focus: FlowBuddy

Tired of endless scrolling and distractions? FlowBuddy is here to help you regain control of your time and focus. It does this by not only blocking distracting apps but also by transforming your idle moments into learning opportunities. It’s an interesting concept, really. You can create custom blocklists, and then you can set them up so that in order to unblock an app like Twitter or TikTok, you must first complete a learning exercise—that you design. There are built-in flashcards you can customize using AI. I realize the irony of pointing to an app that blocks apps on an app roundup, but the learn-to-unlock idea is very clever.

Download for free

Fish Hero!

So this game is called Fish Hero, and it shows screenshots of fish flying around, with a description that says “a physics, parkour adventure!” Yep, I downloaded it immediately. Apparently there is a Steam version of this game that is actually quite popular, and while I can’t 100% confirm this is made by the same developer, it does have the same Mode24 logo when the game starts up. I tried it out, and, for me, it’s meh. I got stuck on a pile of rocks pretty quickly and started getting motion sickness before I got anywhere fun. It’s like a flicker physics game, where you swipe to launch the fish upward in a given direction, so if that sounds like your thing, you should definitely give this a shot.

Download for free

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