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How to create photo and video Memories using Apple Intelligence

2024 September 25
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Learn how to have Apple Intelligence on iPhone and iPad handpick the best pictures from your photo library based on a description and turn them into a video Memory with music and animations.

The Memories feature in the Photos app gets better with the addition of Apple Intelligence. Before the addition of AI to this feature, the app could only create Memories automatically or based on the photos and videos you selected manually.

Integrating Apple Intelligence takes it to a different level, as you now can simply describe what you want the Memory to be in just a few words, and your iPhone will create it for you using existing pictures from the Photos app.

What you need

Use Apple Intelligence to create a Memory movie based on a description

1) Open the Photos app and scroll down to the Memories section.

2) Use the ‘Describe a memory’ typing box or tap the Create button. You can also tap Memories and then hit Create.

3) Describe your Memory. You can use one word like dogs to include dog pictures in your Memory or be more descriptive, such as Me in Paris in July 2024. After that, tap done on your keyboard or hit the arrow button.

Create a Memory Movie in iPhone Photos app using Apple Intelligence

Note that you may be asked to select a face if you use the words “Me” or other people’s or pet’s name. So do that, and tap Add. Additionally, if there are very few matching pictures, it may inform you of that. You can tap Continue and create a Memory based on those few images.

Choose people for AI Memory or tap Continue to proceed with few images

4) Apple Intelligence will take a while to create the video memory and start playing it. After that, if you are happy with the results, you can tap Done. Else, tap Create Again.

Finish creating Memory using Apple Intelligence

You can also tap the three dots icon from the Memory screen and select Share Movie to save the video to your Photos app or Files app.

Save Memory as video on iPhone

Even if you do not save the Memory video file, you can view it in the Photos app > Memories > Created section.

See Memories created by Apple Intelligence in iPhone Photos

To delete a Memory created by Apple Intelligence, touch and hold one and tap Delete Memory. Note that deleting a Memory does not delete the pictures and videos that are in it.

Delete created Memory in iPhone Photos app

Memories created using Apple Intelligence are far from perfect!

While Apple Intelligence works fine to bring up images and turn them into a video, the results are not always relevant. For instance, it included a video of a horse even though I asked it to create a Memory movie of dog photos. The same dog Memory video also had a close-up photo of a Burger King Whopper for some reason and a picture of my niece, who is 3 years old!

Photo Memory created by Apple Intelligence getting things wrong

Additionally, it may get even basic commands wrong. I have lots of food pictures in my library and wanted to create a video Memory of all those images. So, I prompted it, “Food pictures without humans.” I was hoping it would just include food pictures and ignore ones that have me or my family members eating. However, it failed, and some of the images in the Memory were of people eating, even though I have tons of solo food close-up pictures ranging from pizza, cheesecake, chicken, fruits, sausages, and what not.

Finally, during my tests, I observed that Apple Intelligence can also use (or at least consider using) pictures you have Hidden in the Photos app. So, make sure you preview the final Memory before sharing it.

Check out next: 5 essential iPhone camera tips for beginners and non-photographers

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