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The App Store chief reportedly joins OpenAI’s board as an observer

2024 July 3
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Apple’s App Store chief Phil Schiller has allegedly joined the nonprofit board of its AI partner OpenAI in a non-voting observer position.

The move was agreed upon as part of the Apple-OpenAI deal announced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June, writes Mark Gurman over at Bloomberg.

Schiller is one of the Smartphone Kings, a group of senior vice presidents from the Steve Jobs era who helped develop the original iPhone.

He served as senior vice president of worldwide marketing before being given the honorary title of Apple Fellow in 2020 for his numerous contributions throughout the years. Schiller, now aged 64, currently runs the App Store and Apple Events.

Apple’s Phil Schiller joins OpenAI’s nonprofit board

Schiller was “chosen for the position,” but he won’t have any voting rights nor will he serve as a full-fledged director. Instead, the non-voting seat on OpenAI’s nonprofit board will enable Schiller to gain insight into the inner workings of the company in light of the iPhone maker’s partnership with the ChatGPT maker.

Apple’s executives rarely take board seats at companies they partner with, but there are some exceptions. In 2018, Apple’s boss of services, Eddy Cue, joined Ferrari’s board as the carmaker is an important CarPlay partner.

Apple’s partnership with OpenAI allows the company to offload complex Siri queries that couldn’t be resolved using on-device models to OpenAI.

Apple Intelligence, OpenAI and ChatGPT

As part of the agreement, Apple obscures IP addresses. Also, OpenAI does not store requests or use them for training unless you connect your OpenAI account to iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia to access paid ChatGPT features.

“Siri can tap into ChatGPT’s expertise when helpful,” reads the Apple Intelligence press release. “Users are asked before any questions are sent to ChatGPT, along with any documents or photos, and Siri then presents the answer directly.”

This happens automatically as there’s no way for the user to choose whether their Siri request will be processed on-device or sent to OpenAI. However, Siri asks your permission before sending your question to ChatGPT every single time.

With Apple Intelligence, you can access ChatGPT image tools to generate images in various styles. ChatGPT is also available in the writing tools across the system in document-based apps like Pages, TextEdit, etc.

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