Super hero Depth Effect wallpapers for iPhone

The iOS 16 Lock Screen provides a Depth Effect option, allowing interaction with wallpaper images. It’s a playful way to integrate background subjects with the iOS user interface. When using a proper image, the Lock Screen clock can be hidden by the primary picture focal point. These super hero Depth Effect wallpapers take advantage of the new update.
Super hero iOS 16 wallpapers
The following collection spans several characters in the DC and Marvel universes, with a little bonus Kenobi wallpaper. Each of the images was tested on an iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 16.0.2 and 16.1. Most of them I personally cropped into the proper size to take immediate advantage of the new Depth Effect ability. When you set them as wallpaper, iOS 16 unnecessarily zooms-in. For perfect placement, zoom back out to use the full canvas size.
My thanks to @aym3n_kcm for the super hero idea and a few of the images in the collection below!
Of note, the Loki version gave me the most trouble. Consequently, it is on a larger canvas size to allow perfect placement. Once you get it set correctly, the horns on his helmet look great sitting on top of the clock!
Must read: If you are having trouble with the Depth Effect applying to the image, ready through our troubleshooting guide.
To find your own Depth Effect wallpapers, ensure the image is high quality, sharp, and has contrasting colors between the subject and the background. I found the Depth Effect more difficult to initiate when the subject covered too much of the clock — find images with a decent gap in the focal point and the top of the picture.
If you love wallpapers, then keep an eye on iDownloadBlog each Sunday for new posts in our Wallpapers of the Week gallery. Catch up with me via Twitter @jim_gresham, where I curate the collection. Send your Depth Effect wallpapers my way so I can retweet them for everyone! If you have any wallpaper collections, send them my way for a feature in our selection.
Recently, we posted another collection of photographic Depth Effect images. The article, linked below, also includes some pro tips on how to find a perfect wallpaper to ensure the new effect works well!
Previously Posted
Photographic Depth Effect wallpapers
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