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TypeCast, Aerial, any.Widget, and other apps to check out this weekend

2020 October 31
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In this week’s episode of our Apps of the Week roundup we have a transcribing podcast player, a carbon emissions tracker, and an app for creating custom widgets. And with Halloween coming up, we’ve selected two great crime/mystery games for you to check out this weekend.

TypeCast – Podcast Player

TypeCast is the podcast player with built-in transcription. Over 500,000 episodes can be transcribed and searched within the app. Features include searchable transcriptions, real-time word highlighting as you listen, tappable words for audio skipping, and the usual playback controls.

Download for free

Aerial – Climate Action

Take charge of your carbon footprint with Aerial. The app hopes to make it easier for you to accurately track your emissions by calculating for things like flights, ride-share and rail transportation you use. Additionally, it gives you actionable things you can do to offset the carbon you emit.

Download for free


I’ve gotten really into customizing my Home screens on iOS 14 so I figured I’d mention this new widget app I recently ran across. It’s called any.Widget and it really has widgets for everything—weather, calendar, quotes, notes, etc. Some are free, some are paid but they are all customizable.

Download for free

Lamplight City mobile

A steampunk-ish detective adventure in which you aide a private investigator, Miles Fordham, with trying to find justice for his clients and track down his partner’s killer. Features include charming graphics, in-depth story and gameplay and over 50 professionally-voiced characters.

Download for $5

The Longest Drift

The Longest Drift is a one-of-a-kind racing-puzzle-adventure game, in which you help solve the mystery of two disappearances. To do this, you’ll have to demonstrate great driving skills, solve puzzles and investigate mysterious events. No ads, no IAPs, and a 6-chapter heartwarming story.

Download for $2

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