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How to edit Calendar colors on iPhone, iPad and Mac

2020 September 15
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You don’t have to be termed as a visual person to appreciate color-coding. Assigning colors to things can help you spot what you want faster. So the Calendar app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac gives you this option. When you apply a color to a calendar, every event on that calendar will display in that color. This is useful if you use multiple calendars.

You may not have taken the time to set it up or maybe you’re new to Calendar. Here, we’ll show you how to edit and assign colors for your calendars in the Calendar app on iOS and Mac.

Change Calendar colors on iPhone and iPad

Open the Calendar app and tap Calendars or the Calendar icon to show your list. Then do the following to edit the colors.

1) Tap the Info icon (small letter “i”) to the right of the calendar’s name.

2) Choose a color from the list. This places a checkmark next to the one you pick.

3) Tap Done and then on the next screen tap Done again.

Calendar iPhone Change Color

Now you’ll see your colorful Calendar app fill up with the colors you pick, making it easier than ever to spot events for specific calendars.

Change Calendar colors on Mac

Make sure that your Calendar List is visible on the left side of the Calendar app on Mac. If it’s not, you can hit the Calendars button at the top or click View > Show Calendar List from the menu bar.

1) Right-click or hold Control and click a calendar in your list.

2) Choose a common color or Custom Color where you can use the color slider, palette, or pencils to get an exact color.

If you use a Custom Color, you’ll see the calendar color change immediately. Close the color picker window when you have the one you want.

Calendar Mac Change Color

And that’s all there is to it!

Wrapping it up

Simple things like color-coding make everyday tasks just a little easier. By making your calendars different colors in the Calendar app, you can know what’s happening at a glance.

Want to learn more about the Calendar app? Check out how to move, copy, or duplicate events or how to set a default calendar in the app.

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