How to create a picture-in-picture video in iMovie on Mac and iOS

Picture-in-picture is a beneficial tool for creating many types of videos. This effect puts a smaller window inside of a larger window so that you can watch them both at the same time.
For movies that you create, this is a handy way to show a narrator speak to the larger video playing or a close-up view of the bigger picture.
If you’d like to use this type of effect, this tutorial walks you through how to create a Picture-in-Picture video in iMovie on both Mac and iOS.
Create Picture-in-Picture in iMovie on Mac
Open your movie for editing in iMovie on Mac and then follow these steps.
1) Go down to your movie Timeline and select the first clip that you want in the Picture-in-Picture view. This will be the picture you want in the small window.
2) Drag that clip to the top of the second one you want in the Picture-in-Picture, which will be the full-screen picture, and release.
3) Click the Overlay Settings button at the top of the Viewer.
4) In the drop-down on the left, select Picture in Picture.
You should now see your images in a Picture-in-Picture view.
Edit your Picture-in-Picture window
You can make several adjustments to the smaller window once you create the Picture-in-Picture effect. Select the clip in your Timeline and make sure that the Overlay screen is still open in the Viewer. If not, click the Overlay Settings button.
You can then adjust the following:
Reposition: Click and drag the window where you want it on the screen.
Resize: Click a corner of the window and drag to resize it.
Apply a transition: Click the drop-down box to the right of the Picture in Picture setting. You can have the smaller window dissolve or zoom as it leaves the larger image. You can also choose to swap the pictures.
Next to the transition, you can enter the number of seconds for its duration.
Add a border: Choose a thin or thick border and select a color to the right if you like.
Add a shadow: Mark the Shadow checkbox.
Create picture-in-picture in iMovie on iOS
Open your movie for editing in iMovie on your iPad and then follow these steps.
1) In your movie Timeline, select the first clip that you want in the Picture-in-Picture view. This will be the picture you want in the small window.
2) Tap the plus sign at the top to add the second one you want.
3) Select the image and tap the More (three-dot icon) button.
4) Pick Picture in Picture.
You should now see your images in a Picture-in-Picture view.
Edit your Picture-in-Picture window
You can make a few adjustments to the smaller window once you create the Picture-in-Picture effect. Tap the clip in your Timeline and then tap the Overlays button at the bottom.
Zoom: Tap the Zoom button and pinch to zoom in on the image in the window.
Reposition: Tap the four-sided arrow and drag the window where you want it on the screen.
Resize: Tap the four-sided arrow and pinch the window to resize it.
Add a border: Add a thin white border to the window.
Wrapping it up
Using the Picture-in-Picture effect in iMovie is a cool way to show more than one image at a time in your movies. And it’s ideal for how-to videos or a zoom effect for the larger image. Are you going to give this feature a try?
Another option for having two images on the screen in iMovie is Split Screen and we have a tutorial to cover that effect as well, so be sure to check it out.
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