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How to use Alexa and Amazon Echo to find your iPhone

2019 May 3
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You can use your HomePod and Siri to find your iPhone, but if you don’t have a HomePod or use your Amazon Echo and Alexa more often, then this article is for you.

The Alexa app offers a skill that can help you find your phone when you can’t. It’s easy to enable and set up. So it’s definitely worth your time to do it and have it ready for that day when your phone is missing in your house somewhere.

Here’s how to use Alexa and Amazon Echo to find your iPhone.

Enable the Find My Phone skill

Open the Alexa app on your iPhone and then follow these steps to enable the Find My Phone skill. Note: The skill currently only works with U.S. cell phone numbers.

1) Tap the button on the top left to open the menu.

2) Select Skills & Games.

3) Tap the search button at the top and enter “Find My Phone”.

4) Select the skill from the list and then tap Enable To Use.

Alexa Skill Search

Set up Find My Phone

Now that you have enabled the skill, you’ll just need to set it up and link your account.

1) Stay on the skill’s page and tap Settings and then Link Account.

Alexa Find My Phone Settings Link Account

2) You’ll then be prompted to log into your Amazon account.

3) After you successfully log in, you’ll see a confirmation message that the account has been linked.

Alexa Find My Phone Log In Success

4) Head over to your Amazon Echo and ask: “Alexa, find my phone.”

5) Alexa will instruct you to provide your phone number and then send you a text message to confirm that you own the phone.

6) When you receive the text, say: “Alexa, [code].”

Alexa Find My Phone Text Code

Use Find My Phone

After the initial setup, you won’t have to log in or provide your phone number again. And once you’re set up with the Find My Phone skill, using it is simple.

Just say, “Alexa, find my phone.” Alexa will then make a phone call to you to help locate your phone.

Wrapping it up

The Find My Phone skill for Alexa is super handy when you need it. And, the skill works for other types of cell phones too. So, if you have a friend that uses Android, they can also use this skill.

Are you going to set this up and use Alexa to find your phone when you can’t? Let us know!

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