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How to sign out of all devices on Netflix at once

2019 April 19
by RSS Feed

Netflix is great for watching movies and television shows. And with the app, you can watch wherever you go. So, what happens if you head to a friend’s house or stay in a hotel and use the available device there to log into Netflix, but forget to log out when you leave? Now, anyone can use your account.

There is a way to sign out of all devices on Netflix at once, and here’s how.

Sign out of Netflix on your computer

It takes only a minute or two to sign out of all devices on the Netflix website. So, head there and then follow these steps.

1) Sign into your main Netflix profile, if you have more than one such as other family members.

2) Click on the profile icon on the top right and choose Account.

3) Scroll down under Settings and click Sign out of all devices.

Settings Sign Out of All Devices Netflix Web

4) On the next screen, confirm you want to log out of your devices by clicking Sign Out. Note that it could take up to eight hours for this to take effect and it affects all of the profiles associated with your account.

Sign Out of All Devices Netflix Web

Sign out of Netflix on your iPhone or iPad

The Netflix app for iOS apparently used to offer a feature to sign out of all devices, but unfortunately does not any longer. Rest assured, you can still log out of your sessions on your device by heading to the Netflix website on your mobile browser, like Safari.

1) Sign into your main Netflix profile, if you have more than one such as other family members.

2) Tap on the more icon on the top left and choose Account.

Account Settings Netflix on iPhone

3) Scroll down under Settings and tap Sign out of all devices.

4) On the next screen, confirm you want to log out of your devices by tapping Sign Out. Again, note that it could take up to eight hours for this to take effect and it affects all of the profiles associated with your account.

Sign Out of All Devices Netflix iPhone

Wrapping it up

Keep your Netflix account safe and away from others who might use it without your permission. Signing out of all devices and sessions is simple and takes just a few minutes.

Have you ever forgot to sign out of your Netflix account and someone used it that shouldn’t have?

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