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How to get details about any song on Apple Music with iTunes

2019 April 10
by RSS Feed

How many times have you Googled a song you like to get more details on it? Finding the title and artist is usually pretty easy. But what if you want more? You might want the album name and the date it was released. Maybe you want to dig even deeper and find out who wrote the song and its exact duration. You might even want the lyrics so you can sing along.

Luckily iTunes is great for more than just buying media, creating playlists, and listening to music. It contains a helpful little feature that gives you information about any song you find.

Here’s how to get details about any song on Apple Music with iTunes.

Get song details for tunes you love

Pop open iTunes on your Mac and then follow these steps to get your song details.

1) Navigate to the song you want the details for. It can be on Apple Music, in your library, or playing on a radio station.

2) Click the More (three-dot icon) button for the song. You may not see this button until you put your mouse over the song. For instance, if the song is currently playing, put your mouse next to the title at the top of the iTunes window. If the song is your playlist, put your mouse over the duration on the right.

iTunes More Buttons for Song

3) Select Song Info from the pop-out menu.

Song Info in Menu iTunes

Boom! You have a small window with a wealth of details about your song.

Song information

Keep in mind that not all drilled-down details will be available for every song. Some will have more information than others. But overall, there is still a terrific amount of details.

Details: View the title, artist, album, album artist, and composer. You can also see the genre, year, track and disc number. Want to know how many times you’ve played the song? You’ll find this under Details too.

Song Info Details Section iTunes

Artwork: You’ll see the album artwork with an option to add your own using the Add Artwork button at the bottom.

Lyrics: If song lyrics are available, you can find those here.

Options: This section shows you the media type and lets you adjust the playback, volume, and equalizer. If you want the song to start and end at a certain spot, this is where you can set that up.

Song Info Options Section iTunes

Sorting: If you want to change the way the song is sorted in your view, you can do that here by name, album, album artist, artist, and composer with a sort as option for each.

File: This area gives you the nitty gritty about the song file including file type, duration, size, bit rate, sample rate, and other details.

Song Info File Section iTunes

Wrapping it up

Using iTunes to get the details about any song in Apple Music or your library is convenient. Song Info in iTunes is one of those features you might not realize exists. So, hopefully you’ll put it to use now and get information about the songs you enjoy that you didn’t have before.

Are you going to check out this feature? If so, what type of information do you usually look for most about songs? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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