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How to Delete or Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account

2019 February 3
by RSS Feed

Instagram might be getting a bit too much for you right about now. For some, social media peer pressure just becomes too much. If you need a break, or if you’re over Instagram as a platform, you might want to delete your Instagram account for good. Or just disable it for a while.

If you find yourself spending too much time on Instagram, you should first start using the Screen Time feature in iOS 12 to limit your time in the app.

As you might expect, this is not a simple process. You need to jump through a couple of hoops to get to the point where you can actually delete your Instagram account. There’s no simple Delete Account option in Settings. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Temporarily Disable vs Permanently Delete

When you delete your account, all the date is removed from Instagram. Your profile will stop existing. There is no way to get the data back.

But when you temporarily disable your Instagram account, you’re merely hitting the pause button. On the public front, this is as good as deleting your profile. All your photos, likes, and comments will be hidden but your account will still exist. You can bring all the data back when you reactivate your account.

When you temporarily disable the account, others will still be able to search for your profile. But when they open it, it won’t show any posts or the caption. It will say “user not found”. During this time, your followers won’t be able to unfollow you either (as you won’t show up in their following list).

How To Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account

Step 1: Open the Instagram app on your phone (either on iPhone or Android, the steps are the same).

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Step 2: Tap on the Profile button from the bottom-right corner.

Step 3: Tap on the Menu button in the top-right.

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Step 4: Scroll down and tap on Help Center.

Step 5: This will open Instagram’s Help Center in a web page. Tap on Managing Your Account.

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Step 6: Now, tap on Delete Your Account.

Step 7: This will open an FAQ page. Here, tap on How do I delete my account? question.

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Step 8: From the drop-down, tap on the link which says “Go to Delete Your Account page“.

Step 9: You’ll first need to choose the reason for deleting your account.

Step 10: Then, re-enter your password for the last time and tap on Permanently Delete my Account button.

Step 11: You’ll be asked for authentication one last time. Click on OK and your Instagram account will finally be deleted.

How to Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account

You can’t disable the Instagram account from the app. You’ll need to use the web browser on the phone or on your Mac/PC.

Step 1: Open the Instagram account on your browser and go to the Profile tab.

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Step 2: Then tap on the Edit Profile button.

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Step 3: Swipe all the way to the bottom of the page and tap on Temporarily disable my account.

Step 4: From the next page, choose the reason why you want to disable the account and then enter your password once more.

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Step 5: Tap on the Temporarily Disable Account button. Confirm on the next step and you’ll find that the account has been disabled.

How to Enable Instagram Account

If you’ve temporarily disabled the account, you don’t need to do much to get the account back. Simply open Instagram again and log in. There’s no need to authenticate using email either.

But if you’ve deleted your account, you’ll have to start from scratch. You’ll need to create a new account and you can’t claim the same username again (if it’s already been taken by someone else).

Why Did You Delete Your Instagram Account?

What made you finally delete your Instagram account? Was it FOMO, stress or anxiety? Or was it just taking up too much of your time? Share with us in the comments below.

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