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Apple decides to compensate “Shot on iPhone” contest winners for their work after all

2019 January 25
by RSS Feed

Responding to the outrage from the artistic community after it announced the “Shot on iPhone Challenge” contest earlier this week, Apple’s now confirmed that ten winning photographers will indeed be compensated for their work.

The Cupertino company has refreshed Thursday’s press release announcing the new “Shot on iPhone” contest with the following fine print:

Apple believes strongly that artists should be compensated for their work. Photographers who shoot the final 10 winning photos will receive a licensing fee for use of such photos on billboards and other Apple marketing channels.

To participate in the contest, post your best photo taken on an iPhone to Instagram or Twitter with the #ShotOniPhone hashtag. Weibo users can participate as well using #ShotOniPhone#.

Shot on iPhone 7 by Erdem Summak

Regardless of where you post the image, you should note in the image caption which iPhone model was used to shoot it. Alternatively, submit the photo in its highest resolution to [email protected] with the file format ‘firstname_lastname_iphonemodel.’

Shot on iPhone 6 by Mandy Blake

The Cupertino technology giant notes that your photos can be straight from the camera or edited through its editing tools in the Photos app or with third-party software.

For more information, read the full contest rules.

The image top of post was shot on iPhone 6s by Mariko Klug.

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