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Pixelmator Pro for Mac launches November 29, iPad version in the works

2017 November 7
by RSS Feed

Pixelmator Pro for Mac is launching November 29 with a special launch price of $59, a big discount on the intended original price of $99. Additionally, developers have now confirmed that Pixelmator Pro for iPad is in the works as well.

“The current Pixelmator Pro 1.0 beta version I’m running is already rock solid so why not announce the release date is most likely to be November 29,” says Pixelmator’s Saulius Dailide.

As mentioned, Pixelmator Pro for macOS will launch with a price of $59, but it won’t stay that low for too long. The price will go up “as soon as we ship free updates with major new features (that are not yet announced but are in the works already) as well as Pixelmator Pro for iPad (which is a great friend of Pixelmator Pro for Mac), Vectormator and more.”

The intended original price for Pixelmator Pro is $99.

They’re calling it “the most beautiful, innovative and inspiring app we’ve ever made.” Featuring an awesome single-window dark user interface and many advanced features catering to creative pros, Pixelmator Pro could become an even more feature-packed alternative to Photoshop.

Pixelmator Pro leans heavily on machine learning to provide intelligent image editing features such as automatic horizon detection, a faster quick selection tool, an enhanced repair tool for effortlessly removing objects from photos, non-destructive color adjustments, Metal 2-powered dynamic paint blending technology and much more.

I’ve been a heavy Pixelmator user for years now and couldn’t be happier with the app. It has all the features I need, minus the bloat and resource hogginess of Photoshop.

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