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How to Scan a QR Code using Google Chrome on iPhone

2017 March 6
by RSS Feed

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QR code is a type of barcode that was first introduced in the automotive industry to keep track of vehicles during manufacturing. It quickly became popular for other uses due to its fast readability and wide range of applications.

Nowadays, QR codes can be found on products for item identification, billboards, advertisements and much more. It is also used as a login mechanism such as in WhatsApp Web.

If you use Google Chrome on your iPhone, then there’s no need to install a separate app for scanning QR codes as Chrome comes built-in with this feature. The latest version of Google Chrome (version 56.0.2924.79 or later) has a new feature for scanning QR codes. Read on to find out how to access this feature using your iPhone.

How to use Google Chrome to Scan a QR Code on iPhone

Step 1: You need to have Google Chrome version 56.0.2924.79 or later installed. Make sure to update to the latest available version.

Step 2: Scanning a QR code can be done with or without 3D Touch.

If you own an iPhone with 3D Touch, here’s how you scan a QR code:

If your iPhone doesn’t support 3D Touch, here’s an alternative method:

Step 3: Your iPhone’s camera opens and displays a frame containing white corners. Point your camera at the QR code such that the code is within the frame.

Step 4: Chrome will read the QR code and display the output. If the QR code is a URL, then Safari will open and display a webpage.

That’s it! With the latest version of Google Chrome, you can easily scan QR codes on your iPhone without having to use a separate app. This new feature is available on iPhone only and doesn’t work on iPad or iPod.

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