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SmallVolumeStep lets you set a custom number of volume steps

2016 October 14
by macjeff

Normal behavior for the volume level in iOS is for it to adjust one step at a time, up or down, depending on the button you press on the side, but a new free jailbreak tweak called SmallVolumeStep can change that

This tweak is essentially going to allow you to set a custom volume step amount per button press. You can make it so a single button press jumps 4 volume steps to make each press more impactful, or you can make it so a single button press jumps just half of a step so you get more fine-grained volume adjustments.

After you install the tweak, head over to Settings → SmallVolumeStep, and you’ll find a preferences pane where you can input any step value you want.

The default value is 16, because there are 16 dots in the stock volume HUD in iOS.You can enter just about any reasonable amount you want to.

If you set the number to something smaller than 16, then each button press will make a larger impact on the volume. If you set the number to something larger than 16, then each button press will have a smaller impact on the volume.

For example, if we enter 4 instead of 16, then only 4 volume button presses are needed to get from 0% volume to 100% and vice-versa, which each step making a 25% jump in volume level. Here’s an example:

Alternatively, you could also make the volume buttons more precise by setting a number greater than 16. For example, if you set the step amount to 32, each volume button press would raise or drop the volume one half of a regular step, allowing you to get in between the stock volume level limitations.

Overall, I think this tweak would be valuable to anyone who listens to music or watches videos on their device. With it, they can have more control over how their volume buttons work, and it’s always great to have more control.

If you want to download SmallVolumeStep on your jailbroken device, you can head over to Cydia’s BigBoss repository where you’ll find this tweak free of cost. It works with all iOS 9 devices.

Source link:

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