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Wallpapers of the week: Apple hardware

2016 March 13
by macjeff

Next week, Apple is set to reveal new hardware to its line up. With media invitations announcing the March 21 event, speculation continues to mount. Expected hardware allegedly includes the anticipated 4″ flagship iPhone SE, a 9.7″ iPad Pro, formerly the iPad Air, and likely new bands for Apple Watch. Some are calling the forthcoming event a sleeper, but once Tim Cooks steps on stage, there could be some surprises.

Before new hardware launches next week, take a moment to appreciate the current Apple designs. Inside, find iOS device wallpapers of existing Apple devices, as we wait for the new releases.

Apple device wallpaper

The following images were sourced from If you would like to submit wallpapers for consideration in the Wallpapers of the Week category, catch up with me via Twitter @jim_gresham.

Download: iPad; iPhone

Download: iPad; iPhone

Download: iPad; iPhone

Download: iPad; iPhone

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